- دیوید دوست دکتر خودمونه. با هم هم کلاس بوده اند و دوستیشون در این سالها ادامه پیدا کرده... دیوید به من می گه: «من ایرانی های متعددی دیدم. همه شان آدم های فوق العاده باهوش و جذاب و خانواده دوستی هستند. خیلی جالبه که ایرانی ها این خصوصیت های خوب رو دارند.» بهش نگاه می کنم و می گم: «می دونی ما تو ایران به این چی می گیم؟ می گیم sampling error !» ولو می شه از خنده... می گه «آره دچار snowball sampling شدم...»
- دیروز دیوید می گفت که فیلم پرسپولیس رو دیده.. فکور بود وقتی این حرف رو می زد و به چشم هام نگاه نمی کرد. یکی پرسید که فیلم در مورد چیه.. سریع پریدم وسط و گفتم که سرگذشت یک دختر ایرانیه که در یک خانواده «کمونیست»، قبل و بعد از انقلاب رو تجربه کرده. بعد سعی کردم «کمونیست» قضیه را پر رنگ تر کنم... پر رنگ تر از ایران قضیه، که بشه گفت اتفاقی که برای آن ها افتاده بود تابعی از اعتقادات خانوادگی شان هم بوده و آن قدر هم این اتفاق ها شایع نیست... هر چند فکر کنم حرف کاملا درستی زدم، اما به هر حال حس خوبی نداشتم... دیروز را سعی می کنم فراموش کنم.
ولی واقعیت بود، نبود؟
من فیلمش رو ندیدهام ولی کتابش به نظرم خیلی واقعی اومد. خودم به دوستام معرفیش میکردم. چرا ما باید حس بدی داشته باشیم؟ ما نبودیم که به ملت گیر دادیم و ملت رو اعدام کردیم. ما اون آدمهایی بودیم که survive کردیم و اتفاقا شاد بودیم و به همه اونا خندیدیم. حالا الان کتابش پیشم نیست ولی مثلا اون قسمتی که یادم نیست به خاطر لباسش یا هرچی یکی بهش گیر میده ولی بعد حرف زدن ولش میکنن که فکر کنم تجربه خیلیها باشه. واسه خود من که ۴-۵ بار پیش اومد.
رویا.. این ما بودیم. این ما هستیم که این کار ها را می کنیم.. فرقی نداره که حاکم کی باشه.
Roya man ham baa Navid movafegham, in maa hastim keh in kaarhaa ro mikonim, kheili az maa'haa. mesale kochikesh: hamoon gir dadane be lebas'haa, age bedooni hamin emsaal tabestoon man az che adamhaaii shenidam: "khob hagh daran, baziaa kheili dige shoresh ro dar avordan"
I could not get your idea at all. What part of the movie was disturbing to you? The part that these all happened to a communist family and did NOT happen to others, meaning communism was the real cause for all those family pains? What did you mean, exactly? ...
Your text is unclear..
I wanted to type Farsi, I didn't have the fonts anyway.
Just your last point: I believe communism is one of the reasons this happened to them; as most of us didn't end up with what Marjen ended up.
But of course communism was not the only reason. There are some cultural issues which may be the most significant reason. No mather who governs the country.
مسئله اصلی کتاب و فیلم، این هست که تجربه یک ایرانی متوسط و یا حتی نزدیک به متوسط را روایت نمی کند. این مسئله برای ماها، ایرانیها، مشکلی ایجاد نمی کنه چونکه این تصویر رو میذاریم پهلوی صدها تصویر دیگرمون. ولی برای خارجیهایی که این جزو اولین تصویرهاشون هست، موجب نتیجه گیریهای غلط می شود.
My comment is about your "Breaking News" post...
I exactly know that concept of "Growth in Demand Function"!!!
As the same story applies to my and my husband's situation from this semester!
We came 6 month ago and then we had to live on his salary, as I wasn't a student yet. However, from this semester, I have become a student too (with an RA). :-)
So, from the very day after my change of Status approval, our (especially mine!) attribute towards shopping has gone through a 180 degrees revolution... :-D
BTW, it was a good experience. We learned many things. And, thank God we live in a city where we didn't have a really hard time living on 1 student salary.
Be good and congrats to you both!
دستتون درد نکنه جالب بود. راستی اون شعر از آقای مصطفی رحماندوسته
موفق باشید
پرت و پلا گفتی مومن. تو دانشگاه هم که بودی پرت و پلا می گفتی. می دونی فرق کرمی که می گه نه من کرم نیستم، پروانه ام با اون کرمی که می گه آره من کرمم اما می خوام پروانه باشم، چیه؟
اولی هیچ گهی نمیشه آخرشم مستحیل می شه. میشه شتر گاو پلنگ، میشه مارماهی میاد بپره با سر می ره تو کثافتا و یکی پاشو می ذاره روش. ولی دومی... شاید پروانه نشه اما همیشه امیدشو داره. سرتو بگیر بالا بگو آره! این ایرانه (پرسپولیس رو می گم) ولی ما نمی خوایم اینجور باشه! واسه همین اومدیم ببینیم شما چه گهی هستین؟ از ما بهترین یا نه! خودت باش. خجالت نکش و دروغ نگو. اینقدر هم پوپولیست بازی در نیار که منو یاد سروش میندازی!
به این خواننده بالایی: اگر پاراگراف اول متن رو با دقت می خوندی هم راستا با مثال پروانه و کرم خودت بود..
ضمنا با توجه به تعریف پوپولیسم من (و سروش) در گروه پوپولیست ها قرار نمی گیریم.. :)
I still can't get you Navid. What Marjane is trying to image is a country where minorities, no matter idealogist, religious, political and even sexual are suffering very badly! Her point didn't refer to communists only. Her point DID refer to any one who simply does not locate in the middle populist class, and to me she is completely true. You sound that you have never suffered being a minority in that country, otherwise would have a better sympathy with her! U'd better read her interview, she insists that she wished to picture an Iran full of diversity(many get her wrong as she was in acommunist family!) not only one sound!! I believe that's true, but ppl like you might simply don't like her view as you simply are NOT minority anyway. I saw the film in Canada, and can not say how Canadians liked the film and appreciated the tolerance imaged in the movie! I as an Iranian just got so sad by the war scenes as we really lived that life, but enjoyed the movie to the end as it pictured myself somehow. I think the movie is not at all a shameful piece to Iran, but instead that is a hopeful masterpiece that illustrates a bit of tolerance in some Iranians like Marjane. You guys need to grow up, sorry if I am this direct.
Thanks for the comment, I will try to grow up!.. My point is 1) I can not seprate the fact that the story teller was raised in a communist family. 2) This kind of reactions to minorities is rooted in our culture. I can see the same behavior in a smaller scale among people.
Thanks for your reply, but does her raising in a communist family make you end up with such a conclusion that you stated in your blog? What made you feel sad about the movie?
Was is it her sufferings due to her communist background which didn't represent all Iranians, or the brutal image from Iran after revolution or else.... what exactly? You are absolutely right that rejecting minorities is just so rooted in our culture, but what is your point in disliking her movie?
I didn't say that I don't like the movie! I believe all "Iranians" should see it. I like Masoud's comment: the movie makes our picture of Iran clearer, but gives a wrong picture of Iran to foreigners, as their information is based on these few and extreme events. I don't blame Marjane, as she is not responsible to create a picture of Iran. I see the movie as her self-defence. But the fact is that many would see it as a picture of Iran, and unfortunaitly she will be praised as giving their desired picture.
I don't believe Marjane or anyone else who tries to depict a side of his/her personal life is doing a DEFENCE. That's a narration according to everybodys' will. We all do it!
To me she was picturing series of events as a child and later a teenager's view in a social level which was not general in Iran. But this does not mean picturing a wrong image. Why was it wrong, because it didn't represent all? Well such a thing is impossible in any movie and the nice part of the movie is this unique depiction! Or because she was praised by the western views? She was praised simply due to other factors as well. Imagine the smart sense of humor in the movie mixed with all those horror events! What is wrong with that? I witnessed that the movie was on such a high demand here in Canada, that made it be srceened again and again and all the audiences were laughing and thinking at the same time. Many Iranian said:" Aabrooye maa raft! What aabroo?!!!" They witnessed a happening, a revolution and its desparation, immigration of many is only one to name! But she mixed this fact with a funny narration. As she said in her interview, she wanted that migrated Iranians never be forgotton. I think that should be appreciated. I saw nothing wrong with the movie as a western desired picture, that was no such a thing at all! but a true interpretaion of series of events, that everybody does based on his own experiences! You do it too! ;-)
She is not a generic Iranian. So, the story is not a generic story of Iran. I am not saying that it should be! But I am intensyfing the fact that people whose information source is limited to these kind of movies, will generalize it as what Iran looks like. My point is the movie was not my life story, nor my firends'. Most of us didn't have such a failier in our life (getting married and divorced for several times,..) and if we have, it doesn't necessarily relate to our government and nationality and revolution.
Again: I didn't say that I don't like the movie! I believe all "Iranians" should see it.
Definitely you are right, she is not generic, but I don't believe a western viewer would generalize her as a typical Iranian woman! In reverse, she would be considered as an Iranian woman who is totally different from those typically illustrated in the media. Good wives and good mothers! More or less true even in west! I think, she showed a simple truth, there are many different ppl thinking quite differently from society norms simply due to their different backgrounds and this includes Iranians too. I think there is a clear message of diversity in her movie whish is not appreciated but ruined up after revolution. Diversity means accpeting others as they are, which this is not clearly accepted in Iranian culture due to tradiational norms. You are obviously implying this in your words, and you don't need to repeat that you didn't dislike the movie. The point in all your blog, and the comments of your friends approving you! were that you simply dislike an Iranian representing the way that you have not lived! I just let yourself refer to yourself for the rest, because this is exactly in contrary to diversity and tolerance! Thanks
You said: "but I don't believe a western viewer would generalize her as a typical Iranian woman" I am not sure. Any evidence?
I wish your comment was right and every one was approving me! Thanks any way, for disapproving me! :)
She did not represent a typical Iranian woman in western view simply due to these:
1- She fleed Iran and never had a chance to get back, this simply means she has been a lot different from others. Otherwise all other women should have done the same or gone thru similar adventures!
2- Her movie is banned in Iran, meaning that her view and life style are not within the typical Iranian norms, at least the general norms!
3- She did have lots of conflicts with that culture as this is simply shown in the movie. If other women did, Iran would be a different place! Unfortunately not true!
..... Even to a western view, she was out of many norms in here too! Her rebelious life style in europe, ....
But I should emphasize that her being different (no matter in any sense!) is all the beauty of the movie and to me it is an inspiring message to the west that "Iran is not just one voice!" I know many Iranians don't like this.
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